Dividing Clusters (aka compartmental cells)

So far we have shown examples of how to deal with cells which consisted of only simple compartments. CC3D allows to use compartmental models where a single cell is actually a cluster of compartments. A cluster is a collection of cells with same clusterId . If you use “simple” (non-compartmentalized) cells then you can check that each such cell has distinct id and clusterId. An example of compartmental simulation can be found in CompuCellPythonTutorial/clusterMitosis. The actual algorithm used to divide clusters of cells is described in the appendix of the CompuCell3D manual.

Let’s look at how we can divide “compact” clusters and by compact, we mean “blob shaped” clusters:

class MitosisSteppableClusters(MitosisSteppableClustersBase):
    def __init__(self, _simulator, _frequency=1):
        MitosisSteppableClustersBase.__init__(self, _simulator, _frequency)

    def step(self, mcs):

        for cell in self.cellList:
            clusterCellList = self.getClusterCells(cell.clusterId)
            for cellLocal in clusterCellList:

        mitosisClusterIdList = []
        for compartmentList in self.clusterList:
            clusterId = 0
            clusterVolume = 0
            for cell in CompartmentList(compartmentList):
                clusterVolume += cell.volume
                clusterId = cell.clusterId

            if clusterVolume > 250:
        for clusterId in mitosisClusterIdList:
            # to change mitosis mode uncomment one of the lines below
            # self.divideClusterOrientationVectorBased(clusterId,1,0,0)
            # self.divideClusterAlongMajorAxis(clusterId)
            # self.divideClusterAlongMinorAxis(clusterId)

    def updateAttributes(self):
        compartmentListParent = self.getClusterCells(self.parentCell.clusterId)

        for i in xrange(compartmentListParent.size()):
            compartmentListParent[i].targetVolume /= 2.0

The steppable is quite similar to the mitosis steppable which works for non-compartmental cell. This time however, after mitosis happens you have to reassign properties of children compartments and of parent compartments which usually means iterating over list of compartments. Conveniently this iteration is quite simple and SteppableBasePy class has a convenience function getClusterCells which returns a list of cells belonging to a cluster with a given cluster id:

compartmentListParent = self.getClusterCells(self.parentCell.clusterId)

The call above returns a list of cells in a cluster with clusterID specified by self.parentCell.clusterId. In the subsequent for loop we iterate over list of cells in the parent cluster and assign appropriate values of volume constraint parameters. Notice that compartmentListParent is indexable (ie. we can access directly any element of the list provided our index is not out of bounds).

for i in xrange(compartmentListParent.size()):
    compartmentListParent[i].targetVolume /= 2.0

Notice that nowhere in the update attribute function we have modified cell types. This is because, by default, cluster mitosis module assigns cell types to all the cells of child cluster and it does it in such a way so that child cell looks like a quasi-clone of parent cell.

The next call in the updateAttributes function is self.cloneParentCluster2ChildCluster(). This copies all the attributes of the cells in the parent cluster to the corresponding cells in the child cluster. If you would like to copy attributes from parent to child cell skipping select ones you may use the following code:

compartmentListParent = self.getClusterCells(self.parentCell.clusterId)

compartmentListChild = self.getClusterCells(self.childCell.clusterId)

self.cloneClusterAttributes(self, sourceCellCluster=compartmentListParent,
                            no_clone_key_dict_list=['ATTR_NAME_1', 'ATTR_NAME_2'])

where cloneClusterAttributes function allows specification of this attributes are not to be copied (in our case cell.dict members ATTR_NAME_1 and ATTR_NAME_2 will not be copied).

Finally, if you prefer manual setting of the parent and child cells you would use the flowing code:

class MitosisSteppableClusters(MitosisSteppableClustersBase):
    def __init__(self, _simulator, _frequency=1):
        MitosisSteppableClustersBase.__init__(self, _simulator, _frequency)

    def step(self, mcs):

        mitosisClusterIdList = []
        for compartmentList in self.clusterList:
            clusterId = 0
            clusterVolume = 0
            for cell in CompartmentList(compartmentList):
                clusterVolume += cell.volume
                clusterId = cell.clusterId

            if clusterVolume > 250:

        for clusterId in mitosisClusterIdList:
            # to change mitosis mode uncomment one of the lines below
            # self.divideClusterOrientationVectorBased(clusterId,1,0,0)
            # self.divideClusterAlongMajorAxis(clusterId)
            # self.divideClusterAlongMinorAxis(clusterId)

    def updateAttributes(self):

        parentCell = self.mitosisSteppable.parentCell
        childCell = self.mitosisSteppable.childCell

        compartmentListChild \
            = self.getClusterCells(childCell.clusterId)
        compartmentListParent \
            = self.getClusterCells(parentCell.clusterId)

        for i in xrange(compartmentListChild.size()):
            compartmentListParent[i].targetVolume /= 2.0

            compartmentListChild[i].targetVolume \
                = compartmentListParent[i].targetVolume
            compartmentListChild[i].lambdaVolume \
                = compartmentListParent[i].lambdaVolume

Python helper for mitosis is available from Twedit++ CC3D Python->Mitosis.