How to Stop Steppables or Adjust Frequency

Adjust Steppable Frequency

When you create a steppable using Twedit++, the editor will write template steppable code and register it in the main Python script. By default, the steppable will run every Monte Carlo Step (MCS) as shown by frequency=1. You can increase the frequency of nonessential code like a chart update steppable or cell death handler to improve performance since that code could be called less often.

from cellsortingSteppables import cellsortingSteppable


We can change frequency argument to any non-negative value N to ensure that our steppable gets called every N MCS.

Adjust Steppable Frequency During Simulation

For some projects, it may happen that you initially want to call a steppable, say, every 50 MCS but later slow it down to every 500 MCS or not call it at all. In such a case, all you need to do is to put the following code in the step function:

def step(self,mcs):
    if mcs > 10000:
        self.frequency = 500

This will ensure that after MCS = 10000 the steppable will be called every 500 MCS. If you want to disable steppable completely, you can always set frequency to a number that is greater than MCS and this would do the trick.

How to Stop a Simulation On Demand

Place the following code using Twedit++’s helper menu CC3D Python->Simulation->Stop Simulation anywhere in the steppable.


The inverse situation may also occur – you want to run a simulation for more MCS than originally planned.

In this case you use (CC3D Python->Simulation->SetMaxMCS)


to extend simulation to 100000 MCS.