Secretion Plugin (legacy version for pre-v3.5.0)


While we still support Secretion plugin as described in this section, we observed performance degradation when declaring <Field> elements inside the plugin. To resolve this issue we encourage users to implement secretion “by cell type” in the PDE solver and keep using secretion plugin to implement secretion on a per-cell basis using Python scripting.


In version 3.6.2 Secretion plugin should not be used with DiffusionSolverFE or any of the GPU-based solvers.

In earlier versions of CC3D, secretion was part of PDE solvers. We still support this mode of model description however, starting in 3.5.0 we developed separate plugin which handles secretion only. Via secretion plugin we can simulate cellular secretion of various chemicals. The secretion plugin allows users to specify various secretion modes in the CC3DML file – CC3DML syntax is practically identical to the SecretionData syntax of PDE solvers. In addition to this Secretion plugin allows users to manipulate secretion properties of individual cells from Python level. To account for possibility of PDE solver being called multiple times during each MCS, the Secretion plugin can be called multiple times in each MCS as well. We leave it up to user the rescaling of secretion constants when using multiple secretion calls in each MCS.


Secretion for individual cells invoked via Python will be called only once per MCS.

Typical CC3DML syntax for Secretion plugin is presented below:

<Plugin Name="Secretion">
    <Field Name="ATTR" ExtraTimesPerMC=”2”>
        <Secretion Type="Bacterium">200</Secretion>
        <SecretionOnContact Type="Medium" SecreteOnContactWith="B">300</SecretionOnContact>
        <ConstantConcentration Type="Bacterium">500</ConstantConcentration>

By default ExtraTimesPerMC is set to 0 - meaning no extra calls to Secretion plugin per MCS.

Typical use of secretion from Python is demonstrated best in the example below:

class SecretionSteppable(SecretionBasePy):
    def __init__(self, _simulator, _frequency=1):
        SecretionBasePy.__init__(self, _simulator, _frequency)

    def step(self, mcs):
        attrSecretor = self.getFieldSecretor("ATTR")
        for cell in self.cellList:
            if cell.type == 3:
                attrSecretor.secreteInsideCell(cell, 300)
                attrSecretor.secreteInsideCellAtBoundary(cell, 300)
                attrSecretor.secreteOutsideCellAtBoundary(cell, 500)
                attrSecretor.secreteInsideCellAtCOM(cell, 300)