Steppable Section

Steppables are CompuCell modules that are called every Monte Carlo Step (MCS). More precisely, they are called after all the pixel copy attempts in a given MCS have been carried out. Steppables may have various functions - for example solving PDEs, checking if critical concentration threshold have been reached, updating target volume or target surface given the concentration of come growth factor, initializing cell field, writing numerical results to a file, etc… In general, steppables perform all functions that need to be done every MCS. In the reminder of this section we will present steppables currently available in the CompuCell3D and describe their usage.


It is most convenient to implement Steppables in Python. However, in certain situations where code performance is an issue users can implement steppables in C++

This section presents “off-the-shelf” steppables that are available in CC3D and were implemented using C++. Those are the steppables that are pre-programmed for you and you have little control over them (except specifying input parameters). If you are interested in how to write your own Steppable in Python please see Python Tutorials Section

For more advanced users who want to write Steppables in C++ to improve the performance we recommend getting familiar with Developers’ Manual